Sunday, March 04, 2007

This weekend, Luther College held its annual Ethnic Arts Festival, and I attended. I thought it was a great opportunity to increase cultural awareness and ultimately make me a more sensitive person. It's important to the future teacher in me because the festival, and especially the talent show, got me thinking about how I can incorporate multicultural activities into my classroom. Nearly all the acts in the show focused on ethnic music and dance, and I think it would be a fantastic thing for me to incorporate some of the things I heard and saw this weekend into my curriculum. The million-dollar question is: how? How can I teach my students about Indian classical singing and African dance? Just because I saw someone play the Chinese Zither doesn't mean I can play it well enough to demonstrate for my kids, or that I can play it at all. Also, who's to say I would be able to find a Zither to play? Maybe this is where technology comes in handy. But watching a video of someone playing an ethnic instrument is nothing like watching it live. Maybe some of the people I meet at Luther College will be willing to come into my classroom and help raise cultural awareness through music and dance. After all, I had several friends in the talent show last night. The next problem is where do I fit this into my schedule? As a middle school orchestra teacher, I will have so many other things to cover, and many teachers find that they do not have time for multicultural education. Can I let time be an excuse? And which things do I omit in order to include a unit on multicultural music? All these questions have been on my mind lately, and I hope that when I enter the education field, I will be able to answer them and put my answers into practice.

1 comment:

Ashlee Wicks said...

You have made some great points Laura. I think it is important to incorporate multicultural education into the curriculum but time is an issue. How can you choose what is right to leave out or what type of multiculural aspects you should introduce. I really liked your point about technology helping in the teaching aspect. That is a great example of how technology can greatly enhance students' learning when the resources are not available.